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Cosmetic Dental Treatment

White Fillings

White or tooth coloured fillings provide a healthier, more natural alternative to traditional silver amalgam fillings. They also allow for a minimally invasive restoration meaning more of your natural tooth can be preserved.


White filings can be applied to front or back teeth, they are the ideal, natural-looking way, to restore, strengthen and function damaged teeth.

Your dentist can build up cracked or chipped teeth with a white filing to restore each tooth to its original look and feel or, it can be used to close gaps, reshape uneven or short teeth and fillings to caries caused by tooth decay.

*NHS patients have the choice to have white fillings on back teeth (under private treatment)



Veneers are very thin shells of porcelain which are made to fit over the visible surface of your tooth. Used to dramatically transform the appearance of your smile, porcelain veneers are tailor-made, by expert dental technicians at our selected dental laboratory, where a wide variety of shapes, sizes and colours can be fulfilled.



If your tooth has become broken, badly decayed or damaged in such a way that a filling is not strong enough to support the tooth, then a Crown may be recommended by your dentist.

A crown (also known as a ‘cap’) is a protective cover fitted over the existing structure of a broken or damaged tooth.

Crowns restore the function and provide a natural looking solution to the tooth.


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